Rural Development Call Center is a platform provided for a beneficiary to share his/ her problem to the
government bodies at State, District and Mandal level. It’s a link between beneficiary and a government
RD Call Center Services in 3 Different Purposes:
1. Register your grievance - Collects all your details pertaining to your name, surname, location and the
type of grievance you have in accessing welfare Schemes.
2. Technically escalates the complaint (Registered beneficiary problem) to concerned government
departments and officials through a message, mail(rdcallcentre.tg@gramit.in) and to their allotted login's. RD Call Center does not
solve / Redress the registered complaint, only a government department officials does.
3. Acknowledge the beneficiary – An alert message is sent to beneficiary whenever a problem is
registered, escalated and closed by government officials. If once a complaint is registered, a unique ID,
called “Problem ID” is generated and the ID details are sent as an alert message to the beneficiary.
Beneficiary can also view his/her status of complaint in a website through an option provided “Know
Your Status”. In this way, RD Call Center serves beneficiary with timely acknowledgement and effective
Rural Development Call Center serves the beneficiary on all the Schemes and
ongoing programmes Of Rural Development.